Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Arpeggio Exercises

Here you have two very useful arpeggio exercises.
The first one is a fluency exercise designed to get arpeggios and scales under your fingers.
The second one introduces the concept of heptatonics, playing all the notes of the major scale but in a structured way. It is sometimes called triad pairs, or arpeggio pairs, because one arpeggio in the scale is played followed by the next triad in the scale (in our case Abm7 with Bbm). This kind of exercise introduces subtlety in your playing.
I strongly encourage you to try all positions and tonalities.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


This week I am introducing you to arpeggios.
Arpeggios are just the notes of the chord played in a row. If we extend our triad with another third we get four note chords, very popular in jazz.
So the harmonization of the major scale changes as follows:

I maj7, II min7, III min 7, IV maj7, V7(dominant), VI min7, VII m7b5